Cannon Hygiene's core values reflect those of parent company, OCS Limited. OCS is a family owned company and our values are important to us. They are all underpinned by the ethical principles of honesty, humility, integrity, respect, transparency and trust.

Put clients first - We don't 'sell you' services - we listen to you to discover what your key objectives are and design our services to help you meet them. We call that providing 'Sustainable Solutions'.
Foster a 'can do' attitude – we invest in and nurture talent, encouraging teamwork and collaborative working so we are equipped and focused to deliver against your objectives; that's what makes us unique. Build strong relationships – having listened, we share common objectives, invest in the resource to deliver against them and communicate meaningfully and frequently with you. Provide great value- by understanding your key objectives and delivering against them, we provide great value focused on your business and through collaborative working techniques, we continue to achieve that, even in adverse economic conditions around the world. Recognise wider responsibilities - we contribute to an ethical supply chain by reducing the environmental impact of our solutions and support the communities in which we work. Promote change and innovation - we challenge convention; producing new ideas and leaner processes, harnessing and developing existing technology to deliver best practice and real efficiency. We also export that best practice to and from wherever we work in the world to ensure the solutions we provide are world class.