Where there are people, wherever the place, a risk of sickness, accident or acute illness exists.
We provide attractive, durable first aid and eye wash kits which are regularly stock checked and replenished on your premises to ensure all the necessary equipment to administer first aid is on site when you need it.
First Aid Kit

- Contains removable dispensers and mini packs that can be taken directly to the patient.
- Easy-to-read first aid guides, which can be read at a glance.
- Includes quality “hospital grade” supplies - gloves, alcohol-free wipes, safety pins, a guidance leaflet, eyepads, medium and large dressings,plasters, and triangular bandages.
- Attractive, durable, lighter, compact cabinets
- Highly visible for immediate identification.
- Wall mountable for easy access the kits can be easily clipped off for portability.
- Available in two sizes: a 20 Person Kit and a 50 Person Kit.
- Meets the Department of Labour’s requirements for First Aid Kits
Eye Wash Kit
- Contains two 1 litre saline packs ideal for eye irrigation
- This detachable, wall-mounted unit provides emergency eye care in the workplace
- Unit has a large mirror
- Wide access slots for easy product removal
Click here to download a 'First Aid Kit flyer'